Saw my first fox today in ages.  Ben has apparently been doing a good job at keeping them away, but it always delights me to see that rusty red ghosting over the snow.
The past several days, we've been awakened by a territorial robin.  Said robin starts flying into the window to attack his reflection at, oh, 6 am or so.  This means that as Greg and I are lying in bed, cuddling and getting ready to start our day, that the background music sounds very much like:


Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be much that will dissuade this avian frat boy.  Rolling the window shade up and down only makes him fly off for a few minutes, as does Greg running outside naked and throwing wood chips at him.  (Can you guess who has a higher tolerance for this sort of thing? *grin*)  I've resorted to taping strips of ripped-up sheet on one of the windows, but that doesn't completely stop the robin.  Not to mention, we have a LOT of windows around the house. *sigh*

Our other feathered attacker is a woodpecker, who also likes to start doing his thing at about 6 am.  So, between the gentle *BONK* noises coming from the windows, we have Gatling gun noises coming loudly from the roof above our bed.  It sounds like we're being strafed.

Who said living in the country was quiet? *laugh*
Getting a lot of fox action lately.  Saw a pale blonde one trotting across the snow this morning.  I love having these guys nearby.

Spent a goodly portion of last night fantasizing about building the new turkey shed.  May have some feelers out for people who have more experience and who can help.  Wandered around the Milner Mall yesterday a bit and salivated over a set of windows from the Yacht Club.  They're already put together and would be great for a greenhouse.  Just gotta get all the scratch together to get this going.  *sigh*

Gotta get the turkeys lined up too.  At this point, looks like the mixed run is sold out 'til June.  Just gotta get everybody on board and go from there, I guess.  Money, too.  Argh.

Thinking lots more about goat possibilities.  Kevin and Casey are getting rid of all of theirs, and Greg and I talked last night about the possibility of doing goat milk next summer.  He was supportive of the idea and I know there's a high demand, especially for value-added products like cheese.  Just gotta hang onto the commercial kitchen.  Looking to do boarding swap with Brandie as a possibility.

Also!  We have a fox den somewhere on our property.  Even though they nailed three of our turkeys last year (operator error; totally my fault), I love having them around.  They're beautiful and an unexpected surprise.  I halfway named our place Kitsune Hame because of them.

So.  This, I love: