We decided to go ahead and breed the rabbits today.  This was partially inspired by coming home and finding one of the juveniles humping his sister. *facepalm*

We pulled the caramel one out to breed and put her in the cage with the other females we were breeding.  We turned Thutmose, our buck, in with them, and he promptly went to town.  After mating with each of the females (a couple of times each), we pulled him out and put him back in his cage.

A few minutes later, we turned around to find the caramel one busily humping away at Hatasu (a confirmed female).  We're not sure what is going on with the caramel one.  Dominance?  Hermaphrodite?

Whatever the answer, we pulled the caramel one and segregated him/her/it in a cage of its own.  I guess we'll know the answer in a month. o.O
Today:  tired, but good. 

Lots accomplished around the house:
- folded, washed, and hung laundry
- unloaded 2 ten-foot fence panels from the truck
- hauled them down to the lower pen
- dinked around with them and sort of put them where I think I might want them
- removed the chicken wire fencing along the side of the lower pen
- partially removed some of the crappy, non-working fencing along the side of the lower pen
- tied back obnoxious tree limbs
- unloaded the hog panel-type fencing from the truck
- finally repaired the steps to the lower pen
- wound up in all sorts of horrific contortions to get the inner fence bracing finished for the rabbit hutch
- found and installed the latches for the hutch

Now, though, it's getting cold outside.  I need to water the animals, check their food, probably start a fire, wash the dog, trim his nails, figure out dinner, and get my ballot ready for tomorrow.