New life
Brandie took this shot late in the evening, using her headlight for illumination.  The babies (one boy, one girl) are a few hours old at this point.

Codie, Avalon, and babies
Brandie's daughter Codie the next day, holding the twins, as mother Avalon looks on.

The Toggs were bred to one of Brandie's cashmere bucks.  He's a solid black, so I suppose that's where their body color comes from.  The light-colored stripes down the face and pale feet, though, are pure Toggenburg.

All I gotta say is, that black sheep is one prolific muthafucker.  That, right there, is three goats' worth of fiber.  All told, it fills a little under 2/3 of a pillowcase.

Was just in communication with Brandie from Idlewild Ranch, where my milk does have been bred and wintered.  Avalon just gave birth to twins!  

Aieeee!  I have goat babies! :D